Gelato and Sorbet Machines
Trittico Mechanic 18, 30, 50, 60, 120

With the different sizes of combined ice turbines available, the Bravo SPA Trittico Mechanic is one of the most autonomous pieces of equipment that offers incredible flexibility and control at the same time. The upper part, where the ingredients are heated and cooked, is vertical and has a transparent upper cover, to allow artisans complete supervision of the production processes, and allowing them to add ingredients at their chosen time. The patented heating system is made of very fine electrical resistances which prevent thermal inertia (inevitable in water bath systems) and guarantee high precision for temperatures. The lower cylinder, where the product is cooled and where the production cycle ends, is equipped with a patented cooling system, with direct expansion and multiple injection of the refrigerant gas to manage the cold optimally across the length of the walls. In addition, this energy-efficient machine allows you to save a great deal of time during the production of your frozen products (gelato, sorbet, frozen yogurt, ice cream and frozen tofu), but also during product extraction and cleaning of the machine.
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